Integritie launches social media content management tool

Integritie claims to have launched the world's first social media content management tool.

Clients, investors, business partners, media and industry peers are increasingly looking to engage with financial institutions through the likes of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. However, regulatory compliance has led to slow uptake from banks, treasuries and insurance bodies, who are fearful of malpractice and possible litigation. 

SMC4 allows these organisations to implement compliant social media policies, meaning that for the first time they can communicate through social media, risk free.

Michael Veenswyk, Managing Director, Integritie said: "Compliance legislation requires financial institutions to be incredibly cautious with their communication with the outside world, and as a result there has been markedly slow uptake of social media in the sector. SMC4 changes all this, allowing organisations to communicate where their stakeholders are now listening, while adhering to regulatory requirements"

SMC4 also enables measurement of impact, engagement, reach and ROI of social media marketing initiatives. Detailed analytics enable financial services firms to compile and mine rich customer analytical data, providing valuable demographic information. 

“Critically, it also enables social media integration with companywide workflows. This means that, for example, a complaint made through Facebook is routed into the same workflow that is responsible for managing complaints through any other communications medium.

SMC4 logs and archives all social media interaction including information flowing in and out of an organisation. Detailed analytics capabilities also enable a financial services firm to compile and mine rich customer analytical data, providing valuable demographic information.

It has embedded content dictionaries, tailored specifically for the financial industry which allows it to monitor two-way communications between financial advisors, customers and potential prospects. The tool also passes intended outbound information for textual analysis to interpret if a user is saying something inappropriate. If so, it is routed to quality control for corrective action.

The entire system can be searched for relevant information. The resulting items can then be locked for legal hold and therefore cannot be deleted until such a time as the legal issue or compliance has been satisfied. Additionally, by adhering to eDiscovery standards, an extract of the data and all related information can be easily copied to transfer media and presented to the appropriate authorities or opposing legal counsel for their use.

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