IBM Shines in Server Tests

IBM Shines in Server Tests

By Nathan Statz

September 3, 2007: IBM’s Power6 architecture has shined in several Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC) server tests. The results put the Power6 well ahead of its rivals in several market segments.

The tests were run on IBM p570 servers which incorporate the Power6 architecture and run on Linux as well as IBM’s UNIX server, AIX. The results were obtained on 1-core, 4-core, 8-core and 16-core servers running various SPEC tests.

The standout result for IBM was in the in the SPECfp_2006 benchmark, which measures speed. The p570 4.7GHZ Power6 server obtained the highest result in the industry with 22.4 running on a SUSE Linux system running on a single core. IBM also scored well in the SPECfp_rate2006 benchmark which measures system throughput with a best in class in the 4 and 8 core sections.

SPEC benchmarks are highly regarded as they come from a non-profit organisation formed to establish a standarised set of benchmarks for high-performance computers. SPEC member organisations cover a who’s who list of server providers ranging from the smallest producers to the top dogs.

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