Automatic metadata extraction for SharePoint 2013

New Zealand's Pingar has released its Metadata Extractor for SharePoint 2013, providing a means for bulk entity extraction to occur without the need to train staff how to meta tag documents. 

The SharePoint site system administrator manages the process by establishing a schedule (timer job) to eliminate any latency or time delay necessary for users to create metadata. ME-SP13 can extract both existing and legacy data ensuring that all data that should be tagged is done so in a comprehensive and consistent manner.

ME-SP13 is the quickest and easiest way to make SharePoint Search really perform as needed for an enterprise organization. ME-SP13 automatically supports bulk column creation. By providing faster and more efficient search capabilities within SharePoint, it can be rapidly deployed and integrated into new and existing SharePoint environments enabling users to browse and refine search within their SharePoint environment.

Mike Brooksbank, Pingar CEO, says; “Any organization migrating from earlier versions of SharePoint can use ME-SP13 to tag all documents automatically for ease of searching. This will assist every organization seeking improved staff efficiency to locate documents within SharePoint without the need to manually enter metadata at the time of saving or ingesting to SharePoint. This will drive improved user adoption of SharePoint and provide improved content compliance within the organization”.

“Pingar’s ME-SP13 is the fastest and easiest way to make SharePoint search and categorization work”, Brooksbank concluded.


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