Violin’s Sweet Memory Music

Violin’s Sweet Memory Music

August 7th, 2007: Violin’s new memory appliance opens the door to affordable solid state memory in data centres.

Scaleable memory provider, Violin has released the Violin 1010 memory appliance. The 1010 is the industry’s highest density memory appliance and is specifically targeted at data centres and high performance computer users. Violin’s 1010 can act as a RAM disk or terabyte scale cache, speeding up high load applications such as imaging and virtualisation by storing large data sets in memory for rapid processing.

“Violin's memory appliance delivers Terabyte scalability, high IOPS, low latency and low power consumption,” said Donpaul Stephens, Founder and President of Violin Memory, Inc. The device will initially support 504 Gigabytes of DRAM in an 8.9 cm high chassis and will scale to greater than 1 terabyte.

The attractiveness to data centres comes in the form of cost savings. Violin are reporting the operational cost measured in Input/Output per second of a 120 GB system is less than 2 cents, a 98% savings when compared to disk arrays.

The cost saving is achieved through the use of volatile memory, where the data is lost when power goes off, most data centres can use a work around to avoid this. The other contributor to the cost saving is the use of PCI express instead of classic methods.

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