Template-driven portal applications in SharePoint

Devworkz has released its latest updates to ‘Appbuilder’ for SharePoint. This release sees new functionality added to the 'Appbuilder Portal' and 'Appbuilder Fusion' products through a series of raw development templates [RDT] designed to slash build time and to govern and standardize base application functionality in SharePoint. 

RDT’s are site-based templates preloaded with foundational development features that all but eliminate the need to use SharePoint Designer. Just create a site and start adding data and functionality for your own custom Portal Applications.

RDT technology brings together a unified fleet of configurable web parts where relational data, forms, work management, dashboards & reports, workflows, business rules, security and integration with LOB data can be configured and extended by technical and non-technical solution builders. 

A spokesman's for Devworkz said …. "Building workplace, business and enterprise critical solutions in native SharePoint is not easy. It is typically attempted by larger organizations with deep pockets and generally requires the IT team to lean heavily on expensive integration partners or large internal development teams. In this case the developed solutions can be highly bespoke and tailored to satisfy a tight and specific set of requirements through custom code. 

"This approach can be costly, drain internal resources and as business needs mature become problematic to govern the life cycle enhancements and exhibit an intolerance to service pack releases and major platform upgrades. The net result is that business owners are traumatized by the cost and effort and get stranded with nowhere to go!"

At the core of Appbuilder is a unified fleet of web parts designed to work with each other. They are also designed to support both developers and non developers [Citizen Developers, Business Analysts, Power Users , etc.] alike and change the ‘how’ and what’s more important ‘who’ can build or extend solutions. The building process becomes dynamic, flexible and fast to learn. Cloud based training programs fast track skills and the new RDT’s can come with embedded instructional videos right within each site.

According to the ‘The Hackett Group’ the average $1 billion company maintains, on average, 48 disparate financial systems and uses 2.7 ERP systems. Appbuilder Fusion and RDTs provide rich integration and unification [read and write] options to most LOB applications. This allows application builders the option to access and leverage these stores of information for a vast range of use cases.

RDTs have been designed at the very ground level to support Nintex's workflow and forms capabilities and also support options for mobile workers and hybrid integration with Office 365.

Email appbuilder@devworkz.net for more details, a demo, access to an online video library or free cloud trial.

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