Corrs launches patented legal search technology
Australian law firm, Corrs Chambers Westgarth, has received a patent from IP Australia for a new optical character recognition (OCR) analysis technology. The technology identifies documents with low quality searchable text and will be used as part of a new service being launched by Corrs called JustOCR.
JustOCR is a cloud-based OCR service that is claimed to be 50% faster than standard in-house OCR processing and 50% cheaper than existing OCR outsourcing options, in addition to offering the newly patented analysis technology at no additional cost.
Standard OCR tools convert images of text into machine-encoded, searchable text. Just OCR performs this same function using cloud resources to significantly reduce time and cost. The firm says JustOCR’s real innovation, however, is in the service it includes at no extra cost - OCR analysis - which provides a quality score for each document to help users identify where the black spots in their document collections are.
“We are committed to helping our clients see around corners, and this is exactly what JustOCR does. OCR technology was a huge leap forward for the legal industry, particularly in litigation cases. Our new OCR analysis feature is the next step up, providing users with a significant strategic advantage in ascertaining where the gaps are in their own and other parties’ document collections,” said Corrs Partner James Whittaker.
Corrs Head of Innovation Graeme Grovum added: “It is also a much more efficient option for users. Existing OCR services typically require a choice of speed versus cost. It can usually take a week or more to recognise 1.5 million pages and cost clients anywhere between 2 to 4 cents per page. While that might not seem like much, the cost of outsourced OCR is prohibitive for large matters with millions of pages. JustOCR is able to OCR and analyse 1.5 million documents in just a few hours and at about half the price of the industry’s lowest rates.”
JustOCR was developed by Corrs’ innovation and development team and will be available to the open market in Australia and internationally, as well as to Corrs clients. It is one of a number of recent innovations launched by the firm, including its recent launch of Beagle Asia Pacific , a joint venture providing companies with practical and accessible artificial intelligence technology, and CAEL Verify , a collaborative project with Elevate Services to streamline the process of verifying document statements prior to market release.
“Our pioneering mindset ensures that as a firm we are constantly assessing the current norms and exploring whether there are better, more efficient solutions out there. We are committed to open innovation and that means bringing to market our advancements to benefit not just our clients, but the legal profession more broadly,” James Whittaker concluded.
JustOCR is currently in closed beta, with Corrs soon to be accepting applications to trial the product from existing clients and non-clients alike.