Geoscience Australia Chooses Appian to Streamline Financial Processes

Appian has announced it is helping Geoscience Australia improve and digitise the processes supporting travel card integration within the organisation’s financial systems.

Geoscience Australia is part of the Australian Government under the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science. It addresses important national issues to assist government and the community to make informed decisions about the use of natural resources, the management of the environment, and community safety, extending beyond the Australian landmass to Australia’s vast marine jurisdiction as well.

These responsibilities create distinct travel needs for Geoscience Australia staff, including the need to work in remote parts of Australia. The previous system made travel card reconciliation with Geoscience Australia’s financial system difficult and prevented mobile device use beyond the LAN within the main office.

A modern enterprise low-code solution was required to facilitate automated travel card reconciliations through seamless integration with Geoscience Australia’s financial system. This all needed to happen via one application that could be accessed from any mobile device anywhere across Australia.

Beyond this initial solution, Geoscience Australia selected Appian as a platform for broad digital transformation to support further development of additional automated workflows and processes in other areas of the business.

These include other areas of finance, travel pre-approval processes, work health and safety incident and hazard reporting, governance and reporting, executive reporting dashboards, agency manager’s meeting reporting workflow, library and education, products and promotions/communications services, property and facilities management and employee on-boarding and off-boarding.

“We were delighted to be able to meet the digital transformation requirements of Geoscience Australia,” said Karen Astley, Regional Vice President, APAC, Appian.

“The Appian platform has brought a number of benefits including the ability for complex solutions to be configured and changed quickly for multiple areas of the business, as well as the seamless integration with Geoscience Australia’s Technology One financial system.”

Astley continued, “Appian’s native mobility, which allows application access and use on any device anytime, anywhere has also supported Geoscience Australia’s goals. And the ability to rapidly add numerous additional applications to the platform was also an advantage.”