Supercharge Laserfiche with EzeScan’s Seamless Integration
As a Laserfiche digital technology partner EzeScan helps users to capture and register both hard copy and electronic documents, including email seamlessly into Laserfiche.
EzeScan assists Laserfiche users to reduce the amount of time physically handling and processing documents across their organization. This includes both high volume document capture and decentralized workgroup capture. EzeScan provides scanning, image enhancement, indexing, validation, and upload automation, all designed to limit the amount of user intervention and excessive manual processing.
EzeScan can help an organisations entire team capture business-critical information and put it to use, faster for both hardcopy capture from an MFD or registering digital born documents. With EzeScan, users can automatically capture and save their documents from any location directly into the line of business processes.
This is achieved by using EzeScan’s web browser interface (WebApps) which enables staff to QA, validate and register their documents from their computer or mobile device, anytime, anywhere. EzeScan then automatically names and files documents in the correct naming convention to the correct location.
Decentralized workgroup capture workflow
In additional, as a batch capture tool, EzeScan can help an organization capture large volumes of paper based, digital born documents and corporate email. EzeScan’s power indexing wizard guides an operator through the registration process capturing data when possible, via zonal OCR or use of the OCR pen.
- Perform database lookups on the fly or select field data via drop down menus.
- Define and reuse static metadata fields to limit the number of keystrokes or eliminate them altogether to deliver impressive productivity gains.
- Save and reuse your capture workflows including your digitization standards and selected image enhancements.
- Numerous output image formats can be selected including TIF and text searchable PDF, PDF/A.
- Scan and process as many documents as needed without any volume-based restrictions.
High volume batch capture workflow
EzeScan provides ‘out of the box’ native integration with Laserfiche. To the end user this means a seamless experience when capturing and registering documents into Laserfiche. With a highly configurable interface, EzeScan provides rapid deployment measured in days not weeks.
EzeScan’s Integration Benefits include:
- Centralized capture for high volume batch scanning
- Enterprise decentralized capture for hard copy and digital born documents
- Automatically assign template fields and tags when uploading documents into LaserFiche
- Apprend or prepend pages to an existing Laserfiche record
- Ability to Import TIF and PDF documents directly
- EzeScan’s “Quick Redact” features for automatic black out of selected zones, phrases, works
- Ability to save documents into Repository folders, or Record Series folders
- Automatically create Folder structure when uploading documents
For further information contact EzeScan T: 1300 EZESCAN (1300 393 722) E: W: