signs up for first-ever Community SharePoint Conference

Multiple officers from over 15 different Australian Government bodies have already signed up to attend this month’s two-day Australia Community SharePoint Conference to be held at the Hilton Hotel in Sydney.

Government representation encompasses a number of Capital City and Regional Councils, various State departments in charge of Health and Water, as well as representatives from around six other major State and Federal Government departments.

One of the Conference’s high-profile case studies is to be presented on Government Freedom of Information.

Total numbers of attendees is growing rapidly leading up to the June 16 start date, with just over 400 people having already confirmed their attendance.

With more than 40 sessions confirmed, and the keynote address being presented by Microsoft’s Director of the SharePoint Technical Product Management team in Redmond, WA, Mr Arpan Shah, this is a unique opportunity for business and technology professionals to learn from each other about SharePoint 2007 and 2010 implementations and business benefits.

To see conference details, and to register for this event, please go to