Proposed Privacy Law changes must force data breach rethink
Companies in most Western countries must take extreme care to protect any sensitive information they store relating to employees or customers. In Australia and New Zealand, we may soon be held to even higher standards.
NZ Privacy Commissioner Marie Shroff said in her most recent annual report that "Data breach notification isn't currently required by law, but the Law Commission recently recommended that it should be made compulsory where breaches put people at risk. That would bring New Zealand law into line with practice overseas."
In Australia, the proposed Exposure Draft Privacy Amendment (Privacy Alerts) Bill 2013 would see companies fined for data breaches and force them to notify the Federal Privacy Commissioner, affected consumers, and sometimes even the media when data breaches occur. News of a data breach being splashed around in the media is extremely damaging to an organisation’s reputation.
Where is private data stored?
Even though business leaders are well aware of the need to protect customer’s privacy, the reality for most companies is we don’t always store this information in safe places.
First of all, it’s important to understand that the biggest data leakage threats don’t lie in neatly structured company databases, but in unstructured data such as documents, spreadsheets and email. Because unstructured data is much harder to search, it is challenging for organisations to get a clear picture of what this data contains, where it is stored and who has access to it.
Many organisations make two damaging assumptions when it comes to data leakage. The first is believing they only need to worry about privacy if they are hacked. Unfortunately, employees can easily leak information, either maliciously or inadvertently. People often make “convenience copies” and store sensitive information in file shares or email it to their personal accounts. They may also take it outside the firewall using personal laptops, smartphones, cloud storage services, flash drives or email again.
The second assumption is that it would be equally as hard for anyone else to find sensitive information stored in their systems, and because of the resources required to trawl through the millions of emails and files to find evidence of privacy breaches, they simply don’t.
Again, this is a poor assumption because a person who gets hold of your data only needs a small amount of the wrong information to cause you grief. Also, they may have got hold of it by means other than searching, such as a leak or accidentally being released in a court case or complying with a regulatory investigation.
Real-world examples
We recently cleansed more than 10,000 items of personally identifiable information, personal health information and credit card numbers from the Enron PST Data Set published by EDRM. This is a worldwide standard set of test data for electronic discovery practitioners and vendors, which released to the public following the US government investigation into the collapse of energy firm Enron.
Our investigation unearthed 60 items containing credit card numbers including departmental contact lists that each contained hundreds of individual credit cards, 572 containing Social Security or other national identity numbers—thousands of individuals’ identity numbers in total, 292 items containing individuals’ dates of birth and 532 items containing information of a highly personal nature such as medical or legal matters.
Our analysis also showed a considerable number of these items had been sent outside the company, for example, by employees forwarding details to their personal email addresses.
While companies today are more aware than Enron was about the need to protect private data, there are also more opportunities for this information to be stored inappropriately. We have conducted sweeps for private and credit card data in unstructured information stores for dozens of customers and are yet to encounter a single data set without some inappropriately stored personal, financial or health information.
Locate and remediate privacy risks
Recent technology advances have made it much easier to for companies to index large volumes of unstructured data and locate improperly stored sensitive information within it. The methodology we used to identify the personal and financial data in the Enron data can be applied to any corporate data set.
The crucial first step is indexing the most relevant data sources, capturing all text and metadata. This would most likely include email, network file shares, collaboration systems and individual computers.
With a complete index of this data, common investigative steps include:
Using pattern matching to identify and cross-reference sensitive information such as credit card numbers, dates of birth and addresses.
Searching for names, phrases or email address domain names that could indicate personal legal or health discussions, online purchases or other private matters.
Creating network maps and timelines to identify communication patterns and understand messages and documents in the context of external events.
Conducting ‘near duplicate’ analysis to find similar and related content and put together conversation threads.
Once you understand what is in your data stores and where the biggest threats lie, you can delete the high-risk data or move it somewhere that has appropriate encryption and access controls.
Being proactive about privacy protection
Almost every organisation has personal data stored inappropriately. The increasing burden of privacy and data breach regulations, on top of a duty of care to keep this highly sensitive information safe, makes it an unacceptable risk.
By taking a more proactive approach and using the latest technology to understand what lies within your data sources now, you can keep sensitive information safe, for the sake of your customers, employees and ongoing business success.
Eddie Sheehy is the CEO of Nuix, a developer of eDiscovery, electronic investigation and information governance software.