AGS takes Elite path

The Australian Government Solicitor (AGS) has made the decision to implement Thomson Reuters Elite’s Enterprise Business Management Solution (EMBS) with 3E, MatterSphere, and Engage. The full-service legal practice will roll these solutions out to 350 timekeepers throughout its main office in Canberra and other locations in every Australian capital city. 

AGS’s existing practice management system and multiple other legacy systems were not well integrated and it needed to streamline business processes to provide a more cost-effective system to benefit both its lawyers and its clients. 

“The Australian Government Solicitor’s decision to invest in Elite’s EBMS is exciting, not only because it includes three core Elite modules, but also because AGS becomes another addition to an expanding list of leading Australian government agencies,” said Eric Sugden, chief technology officer of Thomson Reuters Elite. 

“By selecting Elite’s EBMS, AGS aligns with the world's leading source of intelligent information for businesses and professionals, gaining exclusive access to industry expertise combined with innovative technology to deliver critical information to its leading decision makers.” 

3E offers core financial and practice management features and built-in application development capabilities. Designed from the ground up on Microsoft.NET, 3E provides an integrated development environment that enables firms to become more agile in responding to client needs. A full suite of capabilities is delivered through a consistent Web-based user experience that allows staff to easily track and manage activity on a multi-office, global scale. 

MatterSphere integrates with 3E, Enterprise, and many other financial management and document management platforms. It is embedded in the Microsoft Office environment to unite operations and promote collaboration across the enterprise and with a firm’s clients.