
Working from home during the pandemic has taken its toll on many workers, with one in four wanting to quit because of poor business processes, according to a new survey. The global COVID-19 Technology and Business Processes Survey discovered nearly half of staff (48%) blamed bad processes for making their job more challenging – with a third saying they waste time.

For law firms and other organizations that create an enormous number of documents, opening a blank Word file and typing is very inefficient. Staff would lose hours every day searching for details like a clients’ address or the latest version of a set of terms and conditions.  

In this digital age, business dynamics are continuously evolving which can make it challenging for your IT team to keep up with the growing data requirements. This is a time when most organizations are moving to a digital-first approach where your applications and data systems can be the make-or-break factor behind your business’ success.

The Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) has revealed it will mark the completion of a nine-year program to transition Australian Government agencies to digital information and records management by undertaking a Digital Capability Review in early 2021.

COVID-19 tested business’ ability to pivot, and quickly, to remote work. Regardless of size, location or sector, organisations were left with only one choice to achieve business continuity -- sprinting towards digital transformation, regardless if they were ready to do so. 
