
Achieving optimal records management requires a hybrid approach, combining centralised records management for vital information and manage-in-place for general administrative records. Additionally, the Bearman model offers an important methodology for embedding records management into defined business processes where there are limited record types.

Since 2019, the Australian Department for Industry, Science and Resources has been striving to make the nation a leader in “safe and responsible” artificial intelligence (AI). Key to this is a voluntary framework based on eight AI ethics principles, including “human-centred values”, “fairness” and “transparency and explainability”. Every subsequent piece of national guidance on AI has spun off these eight principles, imploring business, government and schools to put them into practice. But these voluntary principles have no real hold on organisations that develop and deploy AI systems.

The Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) has released new guidance to enhance the assessment and delivery of digital projects across the Australian Government. Developed in collaboration with the University of Sydney's John Grill Institute for Project Leadership, the guidance focuses on improving the accuracy of Delivery Confidence Assessments (DCAs) for digital initiatives.

New research from Accenture, from a survey of 2,000 executives across 12 countries and 15 industries, found that three-in-four (74%) organizations have seen investments in generative AI and automation meet or exceed expectations, with 63% planning to increase their efforts and further strengthen these capabilities by 2026.

A pioneering startup in the field of AI-powered data integration, Vectorize, has raised $US3.6 million in seed funding for its Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) platform designed to transform how businesses of all sizes leverage their data for AI applications.
