
The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) has decided it will not pursue 6 referrals it received concerning six public officials from the Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme.

Fiona Stanley Hospital has become the first of several sites across WA’s South Metropolitan Health Service to go live with the Charm Evolution oncology information management system by Magentus.

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) has written to the banking, insurance and superannuation industry to warn about the critical role of data backups in cyber resilience.

Search AI company Elastic has published LLM Safety Assessment: The Definitive Guide on Avoiding Risk and Abuses, the latest research issued by Elastic Security Labs. The LLM Safety Assessment explores large language model (LLM) safety and provides attack mitigation best practices and suggested countermeasures for LLM abuses. 

As organizations increasingly rely on Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems, many potential issues go unnoticed – until they disrupt operations. That’s why ECM health checks are critical. They identify problems before they lead to severe issues for companies dependent on these systems.
