
Fewer than one-third of finance departments that have deployed robotic process automation (RPA) have utilized the technology for financial reporting according to a survey by Gartner, which also found that they could have saved 25,000 hours of avoidable work annually.

Accounts payable fraud can impact any business, regardless of its size. The organisations that are most vulnerable are those without robust systems for verifying invoices against purchase orders and evidence of goods or services received. When controls on invoice approvals and payments are not consistently and rigorously enforced, this creates an opportunity for financial crime.

I’m going to go out on a limb and assume your organization is like most others when it comes to AI: you know what it is, you believe in its promise and you’re eager to see what it can do for your business.

The Federal Court of Australia recently found in Luppino v Fisher that a mobile phone should not be treated as a “computer” or a “data storage device”. This had the effect of invalidating an earlier order made under s3LA of the Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) requiring the plaintiff to assist police to access data stored on a mobile phone, on the basis that the mobile phone was not a computer.

PDF/A has always been an important part of document management, and the Adobe PDF Library offers support for creating PDF/A documents that can adhere to Part 2 and Part 3 of the standard.  This means you can create a Part 1, Part 2, or Part 3 PDF/A-compliant document. 
