
A mass of corporate data is moving into the cloud. Much of it is there under Software-as-a-Service solution contracts. This data being essential for daily business, SaaS contracts handsomely cover service outages and access to service. Yet data ownership under these contracts is another matter. What can companies do to avoid losing it amid the convoluted interplay of SaaS vendors, software originators and owners, cloud operators, third parties, and even jurisdictions?

My customers trust Associated Asset Management (AAM) with the creation, management, disposition and seamless access to their documents and official records. We take this role of the custodian of their documents very seriously as mismanaging them can lead to legal exposure for our clients. When it came time for AAM to replace our document management system, I became very interested in what makes Document Management implementations fail and what can be done to prevent it. Having successfully navigated our implementation, I wanted to share some of my findings.

CIOs in Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) place a higher priority on customer focus and digitalisation than their global peers, with more investing in digital initiatives and fewer in core systems such as ERP, according to Gartner, Inc.’s annual CIO survey. The survey data shows that ANZ CIOs are intensifying their efforts to strengthen digital leadership, organisation and technology capabilities this year.

Australian technology company, MessageXchange has announced the successful demonstration of end-to-end transaction between the Australian Government and a private sector recipient using a new Australian e-invoicing standard.

A couple of weeks back, I was interacting with few operations executives from health insurance, auto insurance and specialty insurance companies. It was a nice cozy evening and the discussion topic was the new buzzword in town “Robotic Process Automation” aka RPA. People have different names to it also – Intelligent Automation, Bot Automation and probably few less known ones.
