
Have you ever asked a colleague for an answer to your question? If you're lucky, you knew who was going to have the answer. Chances are you sent them an email. Chances further, they will have it and they'll send you a reply saying, "Yes, here's the answer to your question." And six months later, that email is buried somewhere amongst your mass of emails.

Customer communications for most organisations is no longer just about delivering paper to the mailbox and then archiving the files forever. For various reasons, organisations are now actively managing documents and the data they contain during the entire document lifecycle. To illustrate the point, I want to share with you areas that are intersecting in our industries today and why they are important to consider:

As hospitals in the US move toward meeting Electronic Health Records (EHR) Meaningful Use requirements, they’re trying to eliminate as much paperwork as possible. To this end, Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare System (SVMHS) is using Access’s electronic signatures solution at registration.

SharePoint solutions provider Colligo is to open a new office in Australia in response to the 49% growth in partner business in the region from 2013 to 2014.

A new cost-effective alternative for large-scale newspaper digitisation is being launched by DL Consulting, the company behind the Veridian collection management software and related newspaper digitisation services as well as an online search portal for the world’s historical newspaper archives at
