
One of the recurrent themes at record keeping events is the frustration the record keeping community expresses at not having “a seat at the table”. I used to shift a little uncomfortably in my own seat because much of the frustration was directed at “IT people” like me.

Is electronic information “property”?  That is, can it be possessed and controlled in the same way that physical objects can be?  If one of your employees or a competitor obtains a database or set of files that resides on your network, does the law of property apply as if they had broken into your premises and made off with the office safe?

At some point, every specialist must complain about how their colleagues and clients “just don’t understand” what they do. But a particularly common version of this complaint today is the “recordkeeper’s lament”: Why don’t IT projects take record keeping requirements into account with new systems? How will we find records from these systems in 10 years time? Don’t these people know we are subject to record keeping legislation?

Brett Campbell, serial entrepreneur and co-founder of Nintex, the leading provider of cloud-based workflow solutions, has been appointed into a strategic advisory role on the board of NZ software startup The Full Suite Ltd (Suite). 

An ABBYY  FlexiCapture data capture solution is delivering significant savings in staff time for Registered Training Organisation PARASOL, a provider of First Aid and Occupational Health and Safety training through a network of 300 third-party co-providers across Australia. 
