
The Health Information Management Association of Australia (HIMAA) has expressed concern about the lack of health information management in plans to implement recommendations of a report into the Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR) system.

In my time in this business (enterprise content management, records management, document management, etc.) I have been asked to help with a ‘shared drive problem’ more times than I can remember. This particular issue is analogous with the paperless office problem. Thirty years ago when I started my company I naively thought that both problems would be long gone by now but they are not. I still get requests for purely physical records management solutions and I still get requests to assist customers in sorting out their shared drives problems.

A string of successes in the local government market has helped Objective Corporation report an 18% jump in revenue for the 2014 Financial Year. 

The State Records Authority of New South Wales has become one of only three worldwide installations of a MAP MASTER XXL large format document scanner.  

Records management is the effective and systematic control of an organization’s records, regardless of medium, through their entire life cycle–from receipt or creation until their final disposition. Records management ensures that valuable records evidencing an organization’s activities and that have legal, fiscal, administrative or historical value are protected and accessible while useless records are systematically destroyed.
