
The unstructured format of an email inbox is an inefficient, unreliable strategy for today’s legal records management. While lawyers often rely on their inboxes as a virtual filing cabinet, storage limits, and the inability to share or categorise information make it the wrong approach. In this Q&A, Roy Russell, managing director with Huron Legal in London, explains why document management systems that include email modules are essential to keeping virtual records straight.

IDC's second annual Getting I.T. Right Survey, to measure I.T. performance in New Zealand, has revealed that the gap between IT managers' and non-IT managers' perceptions of project success rates has widened particularly with respect to timeliness and budgets. 

Weet-Bix maker Sanitarium  has selected ReadSoft’s SAP solution to provide automated invoice-processing for its Accounts Payable (AP) department.

I was asked the other day whether SharePoint is the solution to all SME’s management problems. Can it replace any or all current IT systems that they are using? At first I was taken by surprise as to why a business owner would ask me if SharePoint was the magic pill to cure all of the businesses ailments. But when I began to do some of my preliminary investigation into the organisation, I started to confuse myself and think well maybe it is. By Samuel Conway

Tasmanian BPO and records management specialist Acrodata has expanded its operations interstate with the opening of its Melbourne office.
