
CAYLX Software has announced the expansion of its business in Australia with the appointment of Insitec as a business partner to promote and support Hyland Software’s OnBase Enterprise Content Management (ECM) software for which CAYLX Software holds Australian master distribution.  

Canberra-based information Management Company, iCognition, has been selected by the Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO) to provide cloud-based HP TRIM Electronic Document and Records Management Systems (EDRMS) to Government. 

Responding earlier to bushfires and helping address mental health issues are just two of the benefits being seen with the introduction of new social media software from CSIRO. The social media analysis software is helping organisations make sense of massive volumes of social media traffic, according to a services research specialist Alan Dormer.

Analyst firm International Data Corporation (IDC) has published its 2012 MarketScape report profiling and ranking the leading providers in the worldwide enterprise social software market. This new research indicates that as use cases of enterprise social software broaden and mature, organisations are looking to engage internal users and customers in an ongoing conversation, inside and outside the firewall. 

Analyst firm Gartner predicts the top 10 technologies and trends that will be strategic for most organisations in 2013 include mobile devices and apps, Hybrid IT and cloud computing.
