
Does predictive coding mean the end of the lawyer’s role in ediscovery?  Freehills’ Andrew Caspersonn wonders whether it really means we can make do with smart machines.

The Australian Eastern territory of The Salvation Army has more than 450 different service sites/centres and each one could have as few as two employees or as many as several hundred. Tax invoices were sent directly to the site that ordered the goods, where they were manually approved, then handed off for further manual handling. 

There are many challenges to implementing SharePoint, both seen and unseen. As a result there are plenty of pitfalls and traps to fall into, and it is very challenging to pick just 10 mistakes.  Poor governance, not having an intranet strategy, or not having an intranet committee are traditional mistakes, but hopefully there is more awareness about these issues now. Marcus Dervin, director of Sydney SharePoint/Office 365 consultancy WebVine. focusses on more specific issues that are are often overlooked, but can derail a SharePoint project team’s best intentions.

A three year project to utilise SharePoint 2010 to integrate enterprise content management with a rejuvenated intranet at Airways NZ got off to a shaky start when disaster struck.

The day the  Microsoft Exchange email server failed could have been the title of a horror story for North Queensland motor dealership Mike Carney Toyota, if a backup strategy had not been in place
