
iOra, a provider of high performance SharePoint replication solutions, has appointed Brisbane-based Myriad Technologies as its reselling partner in Australia and New Zealand. 


Pingar won its round of SharePoint Idol at the 2012 Australia SharePoint Conference held in Melbourne 20-21 March, 2012, where different solutions are presented and then voted on by conferencegoers in a competitive bake-off.

The Director General of the National Archives of Australia, David Fricker, has launched  a digital plan to overcome the Commonwealth government’s $200 million annual cost for storing paper records.

The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) has opened up its tender for a new EDRMS platform to include open source options, promising to consider these equally alongside proprietary software.

Cloud capture startup Ephesoft is teaming up to deliver its open source platform in partnership with mailroom automation vendor OPEX.
