
Financial systems are becoming increasingly interconnected, within businesses and on a global scale, creating a network effect whereby any changes made to these systems directly or indirectly impact wider parts of the business. This increased interdependence is impeding cash flow visibility and confidence, according to a report by Basware.

Deloitte has announced the research findings from its 3rd annual "Tech Trends 2012" report, which identifies and predicts the top 10 emerging and disruptive technologies that are expected to play a crucial role in how businesses are anticipated to operate globally in 2012 and beyond.   

ISYS Search Software has announced the release of its next generation Enterprise 10.0 product, promising enterprise search at speeds up to four times faster than previous versions. A free trial is available at

Kofax has acquired Singularity for $US48 million, an Ireland-based  provider of business process management (BPM) software and case management solutions

Gordon Irons Managing Director of Australian consulting firm, Leap IT Solutions, is witnessing a boom in technology adoption in shared services across the Asia Pacific region.
