
Top Image Systems (TIS) has announced that its eFLOW platform has been selected by the South African statistical office, STATS SA (Statistics South Africa), to process the upcoming census as well as all other surveys, starting in October 2011. The four-year contract follows other recent wins for TIS in the census market around the globe, including, Argentina, Thailand and Czech Republic.


ARMA International, a not-for-profit records and information association, has published a list of 8 Generally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles (GARP) and suggests they form the basis of ensuring Information Governance processes are up to scratch.


In a recent survey across the Asia/Pacific markets, analyst firm IDC claims less than one third of organisations interviewed would be able to restore more than 50% of their applications in real-time should a disaster strike. This means most organisations would have less than half of their systems running in the event of a disaster.


Metadata is critical to many areas of information management. David McGrath, a Sydney-based solicitor with extensive industry experience, looks at a significent international judgement relating to metadata and ediscovery.

