
Port Kembla Port Corporation has selected Objective Corporation to provide its content, collaboration and process management solution to support business growth and knowledge management.

Allison Stanfield examines the consequences of the judgement in Porter v Australian Prudential Regulation Authority [2010], where the Federal Court of Australia gave the green light for a regulatory body to get access to files on a forensic image of a computer hard drive that was kept on the premises of an applicant’s solicitor.

Business Process Manager Kylie Grant says paperless processing is delivering dividends in Sydney for HLB Mann Judd, one of Australia’s leading accounting firms.

Canon is seeking to increase its profile in the Australian document management market with the launch of Canon Managed Document Services (Canon MDS), providing large organisations with full management of every stage from capture to print. 

David McGrath goes behind the complex ediscovery issues raised in a recent federal court judgement, which centred on the contents of a laptop computer hard drive held in the Sydney office safe of solicitor Fiona Shand.
