Trapeze 9.5 brings digital signing to the fore

The introduction of digital signatures into local government planning review processes is expected to accelerate with the news that version 9.5 of the Trapeze Desktop imaging and viewing solution will include native support for CoSign digital signatures.

ANZ distributor Onstream announced this integration enables users of Trapeze Desktop v9.5 to annotate PDF files of any size and then digitally sign them from directly within a Document Management System (DMS).

Onstream Systems decided to integrate the two applications after receiving multiple requests from city councils in Australia and New Zealand that were using CoSign to digitally sign building consents and permits, as well as Trapeze to add annotations, comments and reviews to these files. Previously, users would have to check out documents, annotate them with Trapeze, save them locally, sign them with CoSign, and then check the signed document back into the DMS. 

The new version of Trapeze eliminates these extra steps, providing a significantly faster and easier workflow for the annotation and signing process.

Onstream Systems used the CoSign Signature Local API to easily add digital signatures to Trapeze Desktop.

The CoSign family of APIs is designed to help developers quickly add the benefits and power of digital signature technology to their applications without requiring them to learn about the underlying cryptographic techniques.

“We’re delighted that Onstream Systems decided to add the flexible CoSign digital signature engine to their leading imaging product, Trapeze Desktop,” commented Ilan Patashnik, ARX COO. 

“This is an ideal solution for customers seeking to seamlessly combine the benefits of our two systems—advanced imaging and annotation together with digital signatures.”

Trapeze Desktop, including support for CoSign digital signatures, can be easily integrated with HP Records Manager (HP Trim), Objective, TechnologyOne, SharePoint, OpenText eDOCS (Hummingbird), OpenText Enterprise Connect, and other document management systems.

 “Extending Trapeze to include support for CoSign digital signatures enables our customers to significantly improve their productivity,” commented Glyn Williams, Onstream Systems CEO. 

“With the new version of Trapeze, our customers can easily achieve full digital transformation of their business processes, including signatures, all in one product.”

After consulting with customers to gauge their needs, Onstream Systems and TME Digital Signature worked together to propose, design and test the integration. TME Digital Signature is an ARX partner and digital signature consulting company serving the Australian and New Zealand markets.

Trapeze Desktop version 9.5 is planned for release in June 2014.

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