RecFind gets Web smarts

Australia’s Knowledgeone has launched a redesigned Web-client for its RecFind 6 EDRMS platform, with a new user interface optimised both for performance and mobile devices (especially the iPad).

The web client can run alongside the standard smart-client and it 'shares' concurrent user licenses with the smart-client. This means some staff can use the smart-client (usually those on the LAN or WAN) while others the web client (usually those in remote locations or traveling with notebooks).

This new interface is specifically designed to be “responsive”, meaning it adapts to the screen size of the device being used. The navigation is also designed with touch devices in mind.

A number of minor changes are also included in the new design, such as a single spellcheck icon to check all text fields rather than an icon for each field.

Knowledgeone CEO Frank McKenna said, “The new user interface is very different to the old one and a bit of an experiment. It’s now a ‘flat’ UI (like SharePoint) but in order to know exactly where you on the screen we use a ‘wave-like’ function so as you move the cursor through the screen whatever object or control you are on changes slightly in size and colour.

“It is much faster, cleaner and much less ‘cluttered’ than the old UI and of course, it works much, much better on mobile devices.”

“Provide access (the URL) to the web-client for your staff that prefer to work on Macs, iPads or Linux PCs, that work at home or that travel frequently. RecFind 6 now supports just about any browser, any operating system and any working environment.

“You can now support staff anywhere in the world without having to worry about a software installation or software maintenance.”

“Best of all, and despite the all-new user-interface, the new web-client  still 'looks' and 'feels' very similar to both the old web client and the current smart client so there is no re-training required just a faster, easier on the eye and easier to use UI.”

This upgrade is free to all RecFind 6 web client customers with a current ASU.

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