compareDocs expands document format support

DocsCorp has announced a new release of its document comparison tool compareDocs, which enables users to compare two versions of a document for changes. The 4.2 U2 release adds support for the recently-released NetDocuments ndOffice. iManage Work 9.3 (64-bit), and Microsoft Office 2010, 2013, and 2016 (64-bit).

compareDocs 4.2 U2 now integrates with NetDocuments ndOffice 1.8.12 and above to enable opening, comparing and saving the Comparison Report directly into NetDocuments through the ndOffice interface rather than through a web browser. This is a more efficient and intuitive method for users.

Leonard Johnson, NetDocuments’ VP of Product, said, “We’re thrilled to see technology partners like DocsCorp continue to improve and evolve the integrations with NetDocuments’ cloud-based services. ndOffice is a key component to NetDocuments’ focus on end-user productivity and user experience, which is only improved with third party integrations like compareDocs.”

compareDocs compares Word and PDF documents natively rather than converting documents to a proprietary format for comparing. It works at the binary, or direct file level, which results in a faster and more accurate comparison result. Also, this approach eliminates the possibility of document corruption and the loss of document formatting and styles.

The compareDocs user interface based on the Microsoft Office 2013 look and feel, and thus intended to be immediately familiar. Simply, drag and drop documents from a local or network drive, document management system or from Microsoft Outlook onto the interface and click Compare. Comparison reports can be output as either redline or track changes documents.

compareDocs is a Windows-based application and is available in Standard (no DMS integration) and Pro (DMS integration) versions. DocsCorp has just released compareDocs cloud for Office 365, empowering users to compare documents on a PC, Surface Pro or iPad—in the office, or on the go.

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