iManage Work 9.4 puts search front and centre

iManage has announced the release of iManage Work 9.4, an update to its core document and email management solution which spans document and email management, secure file collaboration, knowledge management, information governance, and process automation. iManage Work Product Management is available as a cloud service in the iManage Cloud and as an on-premises installed product.

"In technology, you sometimes have to literally rip up the old playbook and write a new one and that's what we've done," said Dan Carmel, iManage chief marketing officer.

"iManage Work 9.4 represents a complete rethinking of our product. We focused entirely on understanding end-user desires and translating that into an experience that is unlike anything in the market today. This is a new user experience for the new professional. iManage Work 9.4 has the simplicity of consumer services like Amazon, and presents the user with powerful new views and analytics about their information that saves time, alerts users to important changes easily and streamlines getting work done -- all delivered with enterprise security, governance, and scalability on a modern, web-scale platform."

Key aspects of iManage Work 9.4 include:

• Responsive Interface. iManage Work 9.4 has been designed with a responsive interface so users have the same experience, whether on a phone, tablet, or desktop -- so they only have to learn it once.

• Easy to Use. iManage Work 9.4 takes a cue from user-friendly consumer interfaces like Amazon by putting search front and centre. Filters enable users to quickly sort results so they get to what they want without complex queries.

• Smart. Based on user feedback and focus group insights, iManage Work 9.4 introduces analytics that help the software anticipate user needs and wants -- and provide the user with new insights and useful information not previously available in collaborative content repositories.

O Personalized search uses knowledge of each user's working habits to produce more meaningful search results. To the user, search just seems smarter and better.

O A home page dashboard provides each professional a snapshot of all documents and emails that have been added or changed across all projects they are working on, providing multi-tasking professionals with a perspective not previously available in any system of this type. Content that has been edited by others is automatically flagged so users don't have to "fish" for what's changed -- they see it in seconds. These are just a few examples of new insights and frustration busters that exist throughout the software.

O Enhanced document preview loads quickly on mobile devices, and even anticipates what page a user wants to see based on past actions.

• Tuned for Today's Information Volumes. iManage Work 9.4 is optimized for users who deal with larger files and high information and communications volumes. Emails may be managed by conversation threads, keeping like communications together. Smart preview downloads the specific pages requested, so users do not have to wait for large documents to download before being able to view them

For more information about iManage Work 9.4, including purchase and availability information, visit the iManage website.