Do Not Call Register Goes Live – then Crashes

Do Not Call Register Goes Live – then Crashes

May 3, 2007: The Federal Government’s Do Not Call Register went live this morning, before its servers crashed after just hours of operation.

The register provides a free service for users to choose if they want to list their home and mobile numbers of a ‘black list’ that telemarketers must avoid.

Internet registration of the Register commenced this morning with the Communications Minister Helen Coonan expecting Australians to submit around 1 million phone numbers to the list in the first week.

However the Internet registration page quickly become inaccessible this morning, possibly as Australians logged on all at once to register their one million phone numbers on servers that could not cope.

The Register’s registration page was still displaying error messages as this story was posted.

Coonan formally launched the Register this morning where the warmed telemarketers of the hefty penalties they could face by the end of the month if they defy the list.

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