Oracle Streamlines Enterprise Compliance

Oracle Streamlines Enterprise Compliance

May 9, 2007: Oracle is promising to help organisations address their audit needs in response to growing regulatory obligations and protected against internal threats with its new Audit Vault solution.

Built on its proven database software infrastructure, Oracle says Audit Vault is an enterprise-class audit consolidation and management solution that delivers simplified compliance reporting, proactively detect threats, reduces costs and secure audit data.

It claims that Audit Vault provides an in-depth view of audit data pulled from the database, helping to ensure information integrity and reducing the cost of compliance by making it easier for auditors and security personnel to manage and report on this data. Oracles says that Audit Vault enables the consolidation of audit silos across their enterprise into a single location, protecting against unauthorised access.

“With legislative mandates and security threats on the rise, it is increasingly important for organisations to adopt and implement comprehensive protection and compliance initiatives,” says Trent Henry, a senior analyst from the Burton Group. “Database auditing and monitoring solutions are fundamental for today's environment because they serve a dual purpose - helping streamline audit reporting while improving an organisation's overall security.”

Audit Vault is a key component of Oracle’s Governance, Risk and Compliance offering, a package including its data warehouse, partitioning and security products.

Oracle Audit Vault Server is priced at US$50,000 per processor, while the Oracle Audit Vault Collection Agent is available for US$3,000 per processor.

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