Hyland releases Alfresco Content Services 7.0

Hyland has announced Alfresco Content Services 7.0 promising higher scalability, strengthened compliance, improved search performance and easier upgrade paths to help organizations across the globe transform business processes and better support remote workforces.

As businesses globally struggle to control content sprawl, the explosion that comes from both human and machine generated unstructured content, enhancements within Alfresco Content Services 7.0 allow organizations to manage large content volumes at reduced costs.

"More organizations are struggling with digital transformation initiatives because of the lack of control over unstructured content and an absence of skilled resources to modernize their technology infrastructure," said John Phelan, EVP and Chief Product Officer at Hyland.

"This latest release solves these challenges with improved scalability to manage the influx of unstructured content within an organization that is optimized for performance at scale."

Furthermore, Hyland launched an early access program for Elasticsearch as an alternative search engine to Solr. John Phelan continued: "Introducing Elasticsearch demonstrates the speed and agility by which the team can present a new core service to the platform, and helps offer choice to our customers for an important service for every content solution."

New functionality in Alfresco Content Services 7.0 includes:

  • Cloud Native – the modular approach provides customers with an auto-scalable content services platform that can handle the growing volume of unstructured content and billions of documents
  • Extensibility – Hyland enhanced developer experience with the new Alfresco Events SDK to speed the development process and realize a faster time to value
  • Security & Governance – Organizations can reduce business risk and strengthen compliance with auto detection and tagging of Personal Identifiable Information (PII) in documents, enabling easier privacy management to comply with data protection regulations
  • Scale – End users can locate the exact content they need easily and quickly with highly scalable direct searches, even in largest repositories
  • Open Source – Hyland's continued commitment for open standards and APIs empowers organisations to easily integrate and customize solutions to meet their business needs. Additionally, all deployment scripts are available as open source to the Alfresco developer community
  • Create cloud applications through business workflow – Organizations can easily create business solutions designed in a low-code modeler environment which maps to content models, integrates with other cloud services and applications, and is deployed seamlessly to end users on web and mobile platforms
  • Support for enterprise-class records management and information lifecycle management – delivering a single source of the truth for all unstructured content in Alfresco or external repositories through Alfresco Federation Services


ACS 7.0 is available on Alfresco Cloud (PaaS) or for enterprises via self-hosted cloud or on premise deployment.
