HP Boosts Business Intelligence

HP Boosts Business Intelligence

January 22nd, 2007: HP has put together a new “Business Information Optimisation” unit to oversee the company’s Neoview enterprise data warehousing technology and offer companies help managing information throughout its lifecycle.

Split into business intelligence and information management groups, HP says the new unit will be bolstered by Knightsbridge Solutions, a data warehousing service acquired by the company on January 7th this year.

HP says that the new unit will provide archival and management solutions for corporate data and claims that its solutions can accelerate archiving and retrieval and simplify the protection of critical data.

“We are extending our strength in optimising the business outcomes tied to applications and technology to now include the equally important need to optimise the value of the information itself,” said Thomas E. Hogan, senior vice president, Software, HP.

“This suite of solutions will help businesses maximise the value and impact of their IT investments spanning systems, applications, networks and information.”

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