Top Companies Swim In Storage

Top Companies Swim In Storage

October 18, 2006: In good news for storage vendors, a study in to the top Fortune 1000 organisations has found their storage capacity is doubling on average, every ten months.

The research undertaken by TheInfoPo examined the Fortune 1000 organisations through 154 hour-long interviews with their storage professionals. The results suggest some major shifts in the role of storage and data in an organisation.

Storage spending now accounts for 15% of Data Centre Budget in almost half Fortune 1000 organisations. Alongside such funding, their average storage capacity has jumped from 198 TB in early 2005 to 680 TB in October 2006.

Robert Stevenson, Managing Director of TheInfoPro’s storage sector, says an ever increasing shift in storage capacity is fast becoming a fact of business life. “For the last four waves of research, installed storage capacity in the Fortune 1000 has doubled every 10 months,” he says. “It is an astonishing rate, with staffing and backup administration struggling to keep up.”

The report findings on what was causing such networked storage growth found no surprises. Almost 50% of respondents listed business expansion as a key dynamic for growth. Following this, 35% saw regulatory compliance as another key dynamic.

The results from TheInfoPro, an independent research network supply some interesting market intelligence in to the IT sector. With a strong interest in storage studies, their latest findings represent their 8th in-depth look in to the market.

The spending binge coming from the top is good news for storage vendors. If these results are anything to go by, then it is not just the requirement of storage on the rise but also the recognition of such needs from those in charge of budgets.

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