ER Mapper Secure CMA Deal

ER Mapper Secure CMA Deal

July 28th, 2006: The Wimmera Catchment Management Authority (CMA) in Victoria has engaged Image Management firm ER Mapper to assist in the management of aerial images.

The deal will see company ER Mapper used by Wimmera for mosaicing and compressing hundreds of image tiles into seamless compressed image mosaics. The Wimmera region covers a diverse range of natural terrain and a comprehensive IM solution was required for the vast quantity of aerial photos Wimmera has on file.

Dr Luisa Schellens, GIS (Geographic Information System) Analyst for Wimmera CMA, says, “We plan to use ER Mapper to manage large quantities of aerial photography and DEM (Digital Elevation Model) data. We have data for the entire Wimmera Catchment area in tiled format. ER Mapper will be useful for mosaicing the tiles and for compressing the data. We will use ER Mapper in close association with ArcGIS. As we start using ER Mapper I envisage finding many more useful functions to help us process these and other datassets”.

Darren Mottolini, partner and program manager for ER Mapper, Asia Pacific, says, “We are pleased that Wimmera CMA has found ER Mapper’s abilities to assist them with the management of their huge amounts of data. Environmental Management is of utmost importance in our world today and I have no hesitation in saying that their choice in ER Mapper will assist them greatly”.


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