New ECM Guidelines Released


June 28th, 2006: Version three of the "AIIM Recommended Practice, Analysis, Selection, and Implementation Guidelines Associated with Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS) released.

The U.S.-based Association for Information and Image Management's (AIIM) says that this third version of its recommended procedures and activities should be considered and/or performed during all aspects of analysing, selecting, and implementing electronic document management systems in government and business world-wide.

The AIIM Recommended Practice was drafted by AIIM's Implementation Guidelines committee that includes representatives from federal, state, and local government agencies, as well as end users from commercial organizations. "From the initial release of this document, we continue to hear an overwhelming need for documents like this that lay out the implementation process in an easy to understand manner," said Robert Blatt, EID, Inc. "As organisations continue to evaluate and implement document management technologies, the demand for vendor-neutral information increases. The intent of this document is to provide a road map for organizations world-wide to make smart technology decisions through the detailed information about the technologies used in document management, how the technologies work together, and the associated industry standards and guidelines."

This document is based on the national and international standards development work conducted in the AIIM Standards Program. It was developed under AIIM's Recommended Practices process, a process that allows standards to be developed rapidly using web-based collaborative tools, and made available in electronic format on the Web for fee, to better address the needs of the content management industry.

"AIIM Recommended Practice, Analysis, Selection, and Implementation Guidelines Associated with Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS)" (ARP-1-2006) is available for free on .

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