Freedom of Information Only As Good As R.M.

Freedom of Information Only As Good As R.M.

June 28th, 2006: U.K. M.P. say that F.O.I. can only be as good as the quality of the records management it gives us access as British agencies come under heavy criticism.

In news that provides warnings to Asia Pacific regional government privacy practices, the U.K.'s Independent and Financial Times broadsheet newspapers, are reporting that, freedom of information legislation in that country is being undermined by the government itself.

A civil service department set up by the Government in 2004 to handle sensitive and difficult requests under the new Freedom of Information Act, "…is itself in breach of the new legislation," according to a parliamentary committee set up to report on it. Not only that but, the department or 'clearing house has also refused to release information about its own activities.

Despite, being generally positive about the F.O.I. legislation, chairman of the committee, Liberal Democrat M.P., Alan Beith, also said that, "Our FOI legislation can only be as good as the quality of the records management it gives us access to, and only if people can get access to the information in a timely way."

According to the Independent"The committee said that the complaints resolution provided by the information commissioner's office (ICO) was unsatisfactory, with many requesters and public authorities having to wait months for the commissioner to begin investigating their complaints. The quality of some investigations was also inadequate".

With reference to the fact that some inquiries had not even been processed, the committee slammed the department: "This is an unacceptable position for the government department in charge of promoting FOI compliance. The clearing house must comply fully with the letter and the spirit of the FOI Act, be openly accountable for its work and respond to any individual requests for information which it receives in full accordance with the Act.

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