Data Classification Systems Cause Confusion?
Arkivio Partners With CA's BrightStor Storage Management
June 29th, 2006: Long-time EMC partner, Arkivio, brings it Auto-Stor data classification system comes into the CA.
As reports emerge of EMC's plans to release its own data classification system - which is not related to its work with partner Arkivio, the partner declares that it is partnering with CA (Computer Associates). The new deal will be called 'CA File System Manager'.
CA will be including Arkivio's system into its own Bright-Stor storage management system. According to Arkivio, Auto-Stor, "discovers and organises data and storage according to its business value. It complements CA's BrightStor email archiving, recovery and resource management solutions by creating and automatically executing policies to move data to optimal resources across SAN, NAS and storage grids".
The fact that EMC's statement regarding a non-Arkivio data classification system has been leaked into the market at roughly the same time as the CA/Arkivio agreement is interesting in itself.