Objective Helps NZ With Compliance

Objective Helps NZ With Compliance

May 12th, 2006: Objective to replace outdated document management system for NZ's government-owned, Pharmac, a pharmaceutical company.

Objective is expanding its presents in New Zealand with another installation of its successful Enterprise Conentet Management solution. Crown-owned, PHARMAC, manages a list of subsidised pharmaceuticals and promotes the responsible use of pharmaceuticals. This means that it handles commercially sensitive and confidential information - as such it has to compliant with the Public Records Act 2005.

According the Objective, its solution will enable Pharmac to, "to manage a variety of information including pharmaceutical funding applications, working papers, consultation documents, decision-making papers and contracts. It will be used enterprise-wide by therapeutic group managers, medical directors, support staff, analysts, and communications staff."

Manager - Analysis and Assessment, Matthew Brougham, PHARMAC said: "Objective offered PHARMAC the whole package, a single ECM solution built from the ground-up, that was proven to be stable compared with some of the alternatives. As well as a group of service consultants who specialised solely in ECM.

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