Survey Highlights Sluggish Storage

Survey Highlights Sluggish Storage

April 7th, 2006: A recent online survey by Network Appliance has found that British IT managers are facing some tough data management decisions as data volumes increase sending backup and restore times spiralling out of control.

Out of 245 responses across the UK, over a quarter require more than 24 hours to fully restore company data and only 7% could restore within an hour.

“Managing ever expanding volumes of data, and protecting that data from a variety of internal and external threats is a critical issue for business,” says Mark Stevens, UK managing director at Network Appliance. “It's a wake-up call to storage vendors and resellers in the UK to provide more effective and efficient solutions that simplify data management.

“The world has recently witnessed an unprecedented number of high-profile security breaches and incidents resulting in the loss of data, including server and application failures, site outages, human error and other events that can threaten business operations. Data management systems absolutely must reduce the time it takes to restore data in today's world.”

The survey also found that 22% of businesses were only backing up data once a week due in part to the increased amount of time required. 66% of businesses surveyed took over 6 hours to complete a backup-and while a further 27% took over 12 hours.

NetApp says that the survey illustrates the benefits of disk-to-disk backup solutions for critical data.

The survey’s key findings include:
- 22% of businesses only back up once a week
- It takes 66% of businesses over 6 hours and 27% of businessesover 12 hours to complete a backup
- 40% of backup windows have increased
- 49% of businesses are less then 90% confident in the reliabilityof their backups
- It takes 25% of businesses more than 24 hours to complete a fulldata restoration
- 31% of businesses expect their budget for data protection toincrease in the next 12 months
- 69% of businesses use tape to protect and archive data

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