May Is Information Awareness Month

May Is Information Awareness Month

March 20th, 2006: A group of Information Industry Associations have collaborated to introduce Information Awareness Month with the inaugural one being held in May 2006 with the theme Personal Records.

The groups recognise the commonality of purpose between various bodies within the records/archiving/information management community. This commonality of purpose reflects the fact that the various bodies identified are recognised as the most widely respected professional bodies in the information management community within not only Australasia but worldwide.

RMAA's CEO Kate Walker told IDM, "Information Awareness Month (IAM) will be a major collaborative event on the 2006 calendar. It showcases the various streams of information management and highlights the specialist areas. The ultimate goal of IAM is to ensure the importance and value of information management to the community and to the world as a whole.

By committing to maximizing cooperation, communication and collaboration on issues of joint concern we recognise that there is a greater likelihood of success in tackling such issues if we pool our energies and resources and share our ideas."

One such venture identified is a collaborative effort to raise the profile of the various information related disciplines through a focused approach and suggest this may be achieved through an Information Awareness Month (IAM) during May of each year.

Various bodies will continue to run their specific industry weeks such as Libraries Week and History Week but now as part of a greater event. Each year IAM will have a different theme and in 2006 the theme for IAM will be "Personal Records" with a view to encouraging everyone to recognize that maintaining good records is important at all levels because "managing records is everyone's business".

Records and Document Management Professionals will be presenting a unified voice in May.

The groups involved are: The Associations collaborating on Information Awareness Month are:
Australian Society of Archivists (ASA)
National Archives of Australia (NAA)
Institute of Information Management (IIM)
Australian Library & Information Association (ALIA)
Health Information Management Association of Australia (HIMAA)

A variety of events are planned by the different Associations with joint events and cross posting of events on web sites. The RMAA have planned numerous events and in keeping with the theme of personal records have included some events such as Scrapbooking evenings, tours of local Art & Antique restoration facilities, and the release of a Personal Continuity Plan (like a Business Continuity or Disaster Recovery Plan for your home) which will be made available publicly available at no cost, on the RMAA website throughout May.


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