
A monthly AI News Misinformation Monitor introduced by Newsguard will evaluate the accuracy and reliability of the 10 leading generative AI services, tracking how each is responding to prompts related to significant falsehoods in the news. 

IT workers are more inclined to quit their jobs than employees in other functions, with a 10.2% lower intent to stay than non-IT employees - the lowest out of all corporate functions, according to a survey by Gartner, Inc. Gartner surveyed 18,000 employees globally in Q4 2021, including 1,755 employees in the IT function. Responses were collected monthly across 40 different countries in 15 languages.

eftpos subsidiary, Beem It, has been selected to build the company’s national QR code utility. The new QR code payments capability, which will be offered by eftpos, is expected to be in market as early as July 2021, with multiple merchants in trial.

The federal budget for 2021-22 promises A$1.2 billion over the next six years to support the Digital Economy Strategy, a plan to make Australia “a leading digital economy and society by 2030”.

COVID-19 has seen Australians become more trusting of organisations and governments when it comes to their personal data and privacy, according to new research. The Australian National University (ANU) study examined more than 3,200 Australians’ attitudes toward data privacy and security before and during the coronavirus pandemic, including the use of the COVIDSafe app. 

As Australia commences it’s return to normality, the internet is already abuzz with questions about the return of employees to their workplaces. When will it happen? How will it happen? And, increasingly, can I refuse to return when my boss tells me it’s time?

Since its release on Sunday, experts and members of the public alike have raised privacy concerns with the federal government’s COVIDSafe mobile app. The contact tracing app aims to stop COVID-19’s spread by “tracing” interactions between users via Bluetooth, and alerting those who may have been in proximity with a confirmed case.

A Gartner, Inc. survey of 317 CFOs and Finance leaders on March 30, 2020 revealed that 74% intend to move at least 5% of their previously on-site workforce to permanently remote positions post-COVID 19.

Whether you use Zoom, Skype or Microsoft Teams, the webcam on your home PC or laptop device has probably never been as active as it is during this pandemic. Most of us have a camera built into our phone, tablet, laptop, or a desktop webcam we use for work, study or virtual socialising. Unfortunately, this privilege can leave us vulnerable to an online attack known as camfecting. This is when hackers take control of your webcam remotely. They do this by disabling the “on” light which usually indicates the camera is active – so victims are none the wiser.

The New Zealand Government has committed $NZ5.15 million in funding for research into digital identity, giving New Zealanders the opportunity to have their say on how they are recognised online.
