Symantec Purchases Compliance Maker

Symantec Purchases Compliance Maker

January 11, 2006: Security specialist, Symantec, finalises its purchase of BindView adding security policy compliance to its range of products.

Sarbanes-Oxley acts as a driver for yet another market acquisition seeing Symantec spending $US209 million on the purchase of Houston-based BindView. The Texan company provide what is called 'agentless" auditing and alerts for security policies from the mid-market to enterprise level.

Bindview's "agentless" systems will - at first - complement the parent company's own agent-based Enterprise Security Manager offering. The Bindview edge is that it uses a great deal less system overhead and, it is claimed, staff time. This enables faster security compliance audits across static and distributed servers as well as workstations from HQ to branches.

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