Microsoft Cracks Down on Software Piracy

Microsoft Cracks Down on Software Piracy

December 6, 2005: Microsoft is bringing out the long knives to deal with software pirates down under. With four prominent wins this year in Australia alone

Microsoft has claimed victory over companies such as the Sydney-based PC Club Australia. It was awarded a $1.3 million in damages after it was discovered that the company was selling a high volume of pirated and illegal software along with counterfeit Certificates of Authenticity (COA) labels.

Next to PC club, it has also had substantial wins over businesses hard loading its software. Cross Link Marketing Group (CMG) Pty Ltd, which traded as Magic Computers, settled with the software giant for $720,000 in damages, Harmony Telecommunications & Business Equipment for $590,000 and Outdoor Computer Games for an unknown amount.

“Software piracy is a big problem in Australia.  In fact, the Business Software Alliance (BSA) estimates that 32 per cent of all Australian software is counterfeit” says Jeff Putt, Client Business Group Director, Microsoft Australia. “Our activities are not just about protecting Microsoft business and our partners’ lost revenue. Ultimately, it’s about our customers’ right to get what they pay for.”

The crackdown has been welcomed by retailers as the trade in counterfeit software threatens their business by massively undercutting prices.

“Software piracy makes it difficult for honest businesses like mine to compete, often losing business bids to resellers who sell counterfeit software at unreasonably low prices,” says Mr David Wain, Director, Coretech Information Technology.  “My company is committed to doing the right thing and we are glad that Microsoft is educating consumers and taking legal action where necessary.”

Most of the cases were investigated as a result of consumer and partner calls to the Microsoft Anti-Piracy hotline.

Have you had problems with counterfeit software?

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