Hot New Fox Out Today

Hot New Fox Out Today

Nov 30, 2005: Firefox 1.5 is out today. And with it comes a host of improvements to the popular web browser.

Already capitalising on tabbed browsing, robust performance and simple usability, the new Firefox is promising "…significant performance and usability upgrades, as well as security and privacy enhancements, and greater customisation options" according to Mozilla.

Firefox hit the internet on November 9, 2004. In that time is has rocketed to the number two spot with over 100 million downloads, capturing 11.5% of the global browser market according to a recent web analytics study.

It is an open source project distributed by Mozilla, a foundation formed by the creators of Netscape. Netscape fell to Microsoft's Internet Explorer in the late 1990's, however its re-birth as an open source suite and rapidly growing popularity could see it once again square off against Internet Exploer.

The foundation is hoping to raise Firefox's profile amongst consumers, and is working with developers, and the spreadfirefox community to increase awareness.

With over 85% of market control, Microsoft's Internet Explorer is still the global leader in web browsers to this day.

Firefox 1.5 will be available from later today.

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