Avoiding software lemons

Avoiding software lemons

Oct 26, 2005: The Butler Group have released a new report into the communication problems associated development and deployment of new enterprise applications.

Titled: Application Lifecycle Management: Aligning Software Development with Business Needs, the report details how many applications struggle to make it in the real world after development has ceased. As the report states, this is due to bad communication between the business and IT departments throughout development can be blamed.

The report looks into the causes of communication disconnect and recommends best practices designed to manage these issues, along with related problems throughout the application development lifecycle.

Over 280 pages, the report addresses the need for constant communication between the two groups throughout the entire application lifecycle, including management of applications once they are released into production.

This includes the collection and management of feedback during product development and the need to manage project resources and costs - all encompassed within the Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) approach.

The report also includes detailed technology audits of ten leading ALM products including those from Borland, Computer Associates, Compuware, IBM, Microsoft and Telelogic.

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