Interactive map to increase intelligence on energy use

Interactive map to increase intelligence on energy use

Sep 12, 2005: The Sustainable Energy Authority Victoria has chosen to use interactive mapping software to analyse the use of Victoria's renewable energy resources and generators for the purpose of encouraging more people to use renewable energy across the state.

MapInfo Exponare, provided by MapInfo Corporation, will be used to increase the quality and accessibility of information about Victoria's renewable energy resources and generators, such as wind, geothermal, hydro, wave and tidal energy.

Megan Wheatley, the head of business development for the Sustainable Energy Authority, said that this is the first time information about Victoria's renewable energy resources will be available in this much detail.

"Our move to the new MapInfo technology is about looking for a smooth transition from paper maps to an online system that can be accessed easily by both staff and the general public.

"It has provided us with a cost-efficient way to share and analyse vital information. The technology allows us to accurately locate and visualise data for market analysis and advanced business intelligence - which aims to bring us one step closer to significantly improving sustainability in Victoria."

Wheatley added that in the past, only one person in the organisation could access, analyse and disseminate vital geographic information - now this information is available to staff and the general public.

Gavin Lennox, the vice president and general manager of MapInfo Asia Pacific, added that The Sustainable Energy Authority's use of MapInfo Exponare will demonstrate the technology's ability to map location capabilities that can be easily distributed across various stakeholders in a uniform and cost-effective manner.

"This solution will be instrumental in raising awareness of the Sustainable Energy Authority's services and assist in accelerating the uptake of sustainable energy across Victoria."

The organisation will use "Exponare Enquiry" and "Exponare Public" software to allow stakeholders to gain access to detailed information about renewable energy resources and government initiatives such as the solar hot water rebate and photovoltaic rebate.

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