Wireless sensors receive boost in reach

Wireless sensors receive boost in reach

Sep 20, 2005: New software has been created to allow organisations to use wireless sensors to gain greater control over networks, which could be advantageous for applications used for national security, industrial automation or environmental monitoring.

Tendril believes that the Tendril Service Broker, as a run-time development platform, can add easier programming and greater control to wireless sensor networks by automatically orchestrating actions in the networks.

The technology provides a typical Java or .NET programming interface to manipulate non-computerised functions.

Tim Enwall, the CEO of Tendril, said that the wireless sensor and control networks have the potential to fundamentally change the way companies do business and the way people understand and interact with the world around them.

"The Tendril Service Broker is the critical missing element the industry has been waiting for to unlock that vast potential and allow mass deployment in applications ranging from national security to industrial automation to environmental monitoring."

Some of the advantages of the technology includes it ability to reduce the typical time it takes to build and deploy wireless sensors network applications from months to weeks.

In addition, it supports the creation of both physical and logical network models, which enable multiple applications and commerce models to overlay a single physical device.

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