Virus wars: attack of the geeks

Virus wars: attack of the geeks

Aug 16, 2005: It seems that once one virus troublemaker has been brought to justice, there is always another one queuing around the corner, planning to wreak even more havoc than the last one.

TrendLabs, the global antivirus research and support centre of Trend Micro, has detected a new Reatle worm that insults the Sasser author Sven Jaschan, who became notorious in January 2004 for writing 29 variants of the NetSky and three versions of the Sasser worms.

Back in July, he received a suspended sentence and was ordered to do 30 hours of community service.

This author of the Reatle worm is not happy with Jaschan, according to TrendLabs, and has begun spreading his picture, accompanies with an insulting word, and text that includes malicious coding ridiculing the author.

TrendLabs said that the Reatle worm takes advantage of the LSASS Microsoft vulnerability, and also allows the author to obtain remote control of infected computers.

Several variants of it have already been detected, with Reatle.C causing the most infections in Australia and New Zealand.

Text found within the code sneers at Bagle, Mydoom and Sasser, the malwares that caused numerous outbreaks and tremendous damages worldwide last year.

The virus also claims not to be afraid of the authorities: "(Blt will be my game cuz the fbi or police are not searching for me to arrest me like ya sasser."

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